eXport Software - Manage certification projects and create reports

  • Create certification reports for end customers and for cable warrantees
  • Manage cable projects before you go into the field: create cable labels to afix to cables.  This simultaneously creates a list of tests to download to the WireXpert to maximize your efficiency with List-based Testing
  • Increase your productivity and use the eXport software to manage WireXpert 4500 and FiberXpert OTDR 5000 (Bellcore file format)
  • Create PDF reports and send test results from anywhere

System requirements

Min. system requirements
  • Windows 8/10, 32 or 64-bit
  • Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GHz
  • 200MB free hard disk space for installation
  • 1GB RAM
  • Microsoft .NET Framework
Recommended system requirements
  • Windows 10 and higher , 64 bit
  • Intel Core i3, 2,4GHz and higher
  • 4GB RAM

included in WireXpert delivery

At present this is not possible. With the new software a change of the file system was unavoidable. However, software is planned that allows converting the old projects files into the new format. Please contact the technical support if you require an urgent conversion of your data.

The device software is included with the eXport software. Follow the steps below to update your firmware:

1. Insert a USB flash drive into your PC
2. Select “Tools“ -> “Update device software“
3. Select your USB flash drive in the drive selection and press “Export“
4. Insert the USB flash drive into the WireXpert unit, a dialog box with upgrade firmware will happen.
5. Go to “Firmware“ -> “Update Firmware“
6. Wait until the firmware update is completed. If required, connect the power adapter to ensure adequate power during the procedure.
7. Repeat the procedure on the other unit.

TIP: You can also update both units in parallel using a second USB flash drive. This will reduce the time required for the update by 50%.

The so-called RemoteXpert feature allows you to transfer the WireXpert screen contents to the PC. Follow the steps below:

1. Switch on the WireXpert, then connect it to the PC using the included mini USB cable.
2. Launch the eXport software on your PC
3. Click on the little arrow icon at the bottom right of the screen
4. Select “Remote display“ in the displayed window

Follow the steps below:

1. Load the desired test results into the eXport software
2. Highlight the test results that you want to generate in a PDF format English graphic
3. Select “Export“ -> “PDF“. Then select “Summary “ for a short summary of all results as a list or “Detail“ for a detailed PDF report of all test results
4. Confirm the following dialog with “OK“
5. Define the storage location on your PC and start the PDF report

TIP: You can significantly reduce the time required to generate the PDF report if you choose a lower resolution for the plots in “Settings“ -> “Report Format“ -> “Plots“.

Follow the steps below:

1. Launch the eXport software
2. Select “Tools“ -> “Label List Generator“
The labeling scheme is based on the CENELEC EN 50173-1/ ISO/IEC 11801:2002 standard for structured cabling.
3. Determine the desired prefix in the field “Building“. The prefix remains unchanged in every label. Example: “Factory floor 1“ or “Company XY“
4. Now you have to decide which parts of the label you want to use. If, for example, there is only one floor and one telecommunications room these boxes can be unchecked. Then these parts will not be used.
5. Enter the required number in each part of the label. The first field contains the separator that separates the different parts of the label. Characters such as “Factory floor 1-1“ , “Factory floor 1|1“ , or “ Factory floor 1/1“ are commonly used. However, you can choose any character as you please.
6. Enter the start value. If you want to start with the first racks enter for example for example “1“ or “A“.
7. Enter the end value. If there are 3 racks in this building enter for example for example “3“ or “C“.
8. Enter a start and an end value for each label. The created labels will be displayed in the preview window below.
9. Insert a USB flash drive into the PC.
10. Select “Export to USB“ to copy the label list to the USB flash drive. Create a name for the list. It is useful to take the prefix.
11. Press “Export“ to copy the list. Insert the USB flash drive into the Local unit and copy the list to the WireXpert. Now, go to “Label“ to select the label list for the test.

Firmware updates for your WireXpert and software updates for the eXport software are free of charge. Here you find more information: https://itnetworks.softing.com/us/support/

You can set up projects on the PC by creating hierarchical label lists (see above)

There are two ways to do this:

A. Export test results using the USB flash drive.

1. Insert the included USB flash drive into the Local unit.
2. Go to “Export“ -> “Test Results“ on the device All test results that are saved in the device will be exported.
3. Insert the USB flash drive into your PC.
4. Launch your eXport software. Select “Import“ -> “USB Flash drive“.
5. Select the sites you wish to import and press “Import selected“.

B. Transmission of test results via USB cable

1. Connect the Local unit to the PC using the mini USB cable.
2. Launch the eXport software. The connection indicator of the eXport software at the bottom right of the screen will display that you have successfully connected the WireXpert with the PC.
3. Select „Import“ -> “Device“
4. Select the sites you want to import and press “Import Selected“.