Softing IT Networks announces first CAT8 Cable Certifier
Next Generation Cabling Testers: WireXpert 4500
There will be a great deal of change in the network cabling industry over
the coming months. Driven by new bandwidth hungry applications and the
increasing number of Data Centres hosting a large volume of critical data,
new high performance cabling systems are becoming necessary.
WireXpert 4500 CAT 8 Certifier
Both major standardization bodies are currently involved in the development of standards for the Next Generation of high performance copper cabling systems, ISO 11801 (Class I & II) and TIA 568 (CAT8). It is anticipated that major cabling systems and component vendors will announce new next generation cabling technologies in the near future. Psiber Data is pleased to announce the new WireXpert 4500, the first cable certifier designed to meet the requirements for TIA Cat 8 field certification. Equipped with a precise laboratory measurement and a frequency range up to 2500 MHz, WireXpert 4500 offers more than sufficient bandwidth to handle all existing and future planned standards. Psiber Data already guarantees that the new WireXpert 4500 will fully support the proposed TIA CAT 8 standard.
More than just a cable tester
A wide range of new accessories equips the WireXpert 4500 for a wider range of test applications. WireXpert 4500 offers link and channel measurement modules for all common systems such as RJ-45, GG45, Tera, patch cord adapters and x-coded M12 and M12, used in industrial Ethernet applications.
In addition, the WireXpert 4500 offers tier 1 Fiber Certification with the optional modules for EF multimode (850/1300nm) and singlemode (1310/1550) fiber. New compact MPO fiber modules allow testing of MPO fiber links and components up to 12 fibers. This MPO technology is already used widely in Data Centre environments and the new WireXpert MPO modules make MPO testing fast and efficient.
Outstanding accuracy Cable Certifiers are divided into different levels of accuracy. WireXpert 4500 is the first Cable Certifier, which exceeds the highest accuracy level V Draft specification (IEC61935-1 ed4). Accuracy is also important during acceptance tests in the field since the measurements reported are an essential part of a guarantee of future cabling system performance. The eXport software produces detailed, graphical documentation for acceptance, warranty and handover purposes.